6-25 AVAILABILITY OF CDD/REPOSITORY ANNOUNCED MAYNARD, Mass.--June 25, 1991--Today, Digital Equipment Corporation took a major step forward in the continuing evolution of its Network Application Support (NAS)-based COHESION Software Development Environment by announcing the availability of CDD/Repository V5 and CDD/Administrator. The company also announced additional CASE products on both VMS and ULTRIX systems which add levels of functionality and integration. In addition, Digital announced its Application Control Architecture (ACA) Services which provides a key application integration capability for NAS (see separate release). Together, these products provide a core environment on Digital's VMS and ULTRIX platforms for the development and deployment of software for multiple vendors' systems, thus making COHESION Digital's Open Advantage for software development. The systems include Digital's VMS and ULTRIX systems, IBM mainframes, Cray, Apple Macintosh, UNIX, OS/2, and MS-DOS. INCLUDED IN TODAY'S ANNOUNCEMENT . CDD/Repository V5 . CDD/Administrator . DECset V11 . DECplan . Application Control Architecture (ACA) Services . Repository Information Model (RIM) . Packaged Solutions - COHESION for Rapid Development - COHESION for TP Development - COHESION for IBM Cross-Development - COHESION for Maintenance and Re-engineering - COHESION for IBM Maintenance and Re-engineering - COHESION Aerospace Defense Software Engineering Environment (ASD/SEE) - COHESION for Telecommunications Service Creation . Commitment from Software Vendors . Statement on PCTE . Services - COHESION Integrated On-Line Training - Updated "Understanding CASE" Video Training Series featuring Roger Pressman - Service Tools for DECtp OPEN TECHNOLOGY: PROVIDING THE CORE ENVIRONMENT FOR VMS AND ULTRIX "CDD/Repository, as a major component of NAS is an essential part of our strategy to make COHESION function in the distributed, multi-vendor environment. It's a significant open technology deliverable of our Open Advantage strategy, useful for the re-engineering and maintenance of existing systems as well as newly-developed applications. That's the real world in which our customers and software vendors must operate," said Marion Dancy, group manager of Digital's Application Development Systems Group. "If software is the infrastructure of the 90s, then developing critical applications in 90 days when your rival takes 180 days--or more--is the real competitive advantage CASE technology can provide business today." "With the COHESION products we are announcing today, we are responding to our customer's needs for a fully-integrated repository and CASE tools for development across multiple platforms," said David L. Stone, Digital's vice-president of Software Products. "This is yet another step in our continuing commitment to provide our industry-leading software-development infrastructure--based on standards--to span the enterprise." CDD/REPOSITORY CDD/Repository V5 delivers repository services as part of Digital's NAS and allows the tool integration necessary for software developers to succeed in the 90s. In announcing the availability of CDD/Repository, Digital expanded both the scope and function of CDD/Plus V4 on VMS, which currently has approximately 40,000 installed sites. CDD/Repository V5 may be ordered today for delivery on VMS systems in November, 1991 and on ULTRIX systems in February of 1992. Prices range from under $1,000 to approximately $48,000 depending on operating system and processor. REPOSITORY INFORMATION MODEL (RIM) Digital also announced availability of its Repository Information Model (RIM) which provides a road map of information in the repository by describing the objects in the repository and the relationships among those objects. This road map will help developers take full advantage of CDD/Repository. Digital's RIM is both open and extensible. Because it is extensible, software vendors and end-use developers can add value by defining additional objects beyond those defined within the formal document. A number of software vendors have committed to using CDD/Repository with their products and are currently involved in the RIM development process. These include Andersen Consulting, Cognos, Inc., Hypersoft Corporation, Information Builders, Inc., and SmartStar Corporation. The CDD/Repository V5 Information Model will be published as part of the product documentation in November, 1991 and will be republished as it evolves over time. ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS ANNOUNCED CDD/Administrator--Provides a graphical user interface for repository administrators. CDD/Administrator may be ordered today for delivery on both VMS and ULTRIX systems in January and February of 1992 respectively. The user/activity license for CDD/Administrator is $6,642. DECset V11--The next generation of the popular VAXset CASE toolset for both VMS and ULTRIX systems, DECset V11 incorporates ACA Services for intertool communication and integration. DECset V11 can be ordered today for delivery in November, 1991. Prices for DECset V11 start at $5,070. DECplan--Provides project and time management for individuals and workgroups across the enterprise. This first version of DECplan can be ordered now for delivery in September, 1991 for both VMS and ULTRIX systems. DECplan for VAX/VMS systems is $19,807 and $9,003 for RISC/ULTRIX systems. APPLICATION CONTROL ARCHITECTURE (ACA) Services--Is used by COHESION as an enabling technology to provide improved integration of software development tools and applications. For the first time, developers and systems integrators can easily locate, launch, and link independent, isolated applications in a networked, mixed-system environment. Digital also announced that ACA Services can be purchased separately as a software development environment for a wide variety of applications, such as manufacturing and office automation (see separate release). INDUSTRY SPECIFIC COHESION SOLUTIONS The best technology in the world is not meaningful if it cannot provide useful solutions. Digital's open business practices mean Digital can work with independent vendors to deliver solution packages which can help break the application backlog and address the issues of re- engineering and maintenance as well as distributed, multi-vendor computing environments. A variety of packaged solutions defined in today's announcement. Pricing of each individual package is quoted by specific combination/configuration. They are: . COHESION for Rapid Development--Provides a way to build database applications featuring a rapid prototyping approach. . COHESION for TP Development--Provides productivity for building large scale, distributable applications using the services of DECtp. . COHESION for IBM Cross-Development--Gives users the ability to develop software on a Digital platform in order to target IBM platforms, including CICS and DB2. . COHESION for Maintenance and Re-engineering--Addresses bringing existing applications under control and advancing to strategic re- engineering--for Digital applications that may not have been initially built using COHESION. . COHESION for IBM Maintenance and Re-engineering--Uses Hypersoft's Application Browser to analyze existing mainframe code and extract meaningful information into the repository. Uses DECmessageQ, a NAS interface, to link NAS applications to existing IBM systems. . COHESION ASD/SEE--As part of the COHESION initiative, Digital has developed an Aerospace Defense Software Engineering Environment (ASD/SEE) addressing the specific needs of government agencies and the aerospace industry. . COHESION for Telecommunications Service Creation--Working with Telesoft, Digital provides the telecommunications industry with a CCITT (Consultative Committee for International Telephony and Telecommunications) conforming approach to service creation that shortens time to market for intelligent network services. OPEN BUSINESS PRACTICES: SOFTWARE VENDORS INTEGRATE WITH COHESION Several of the independent software vendors with marketing and/or sales relationships in support of Digital's COHESION environment also announced support of Digital's direction and committed to support CDD/Repository with their products (see separate releases for details). . Andersen Consulting announced expanded commitment to Digital's long-term strategic products and direction and that FOUNDATION-- INSTALL/1 for VAX/VMS will support CDD/Repository V5. . Cognos, Incorporated--the PowerHouse product will support CDD/Repository and announced an ULTRIX based version of that product. . Hypersoft Corporation--currently testing CDD/Repository and the ATIS interface for a planned interface with Application Browser and has recently signed a Complementary Solutions House (CSH) agreement with Digital. . Information Builders, Inc.--is actively field testing CDD/Repository and the ATIS interface and plans to fully support this key functionality with FOCUS. . Netron, Inc.--intends to expand NETRON/CAP to target the ULTRIX operating system. . SmartStar Corporation announced extended development directions based on Digital's CDD/Repository. . Software AG--the NATURAL 4th generation application development environment will be integrated with Digital's CDD/Repository. In addition, QSM Associates, Inc. has announced that independent analysis of development in a Digital COHESION environment has resulted in a 41% schedule compression and 62% cost reduction as compared with conventional methods. WORLDWIDE STANDARDS SUPPORT In December, 1990, the European Computer Manufacturer's Association (ECMA) adopted a new standard known as Portable Common Tools Environment (PCTE). In order to support current efforts to evolve to that standard, Digital and GIE-Emeraude, a French consortium, have worked together to provide GIE-Emeraude's implementation of PCTE V12 to DECsystem and DECstation platforms. This product is now available and will be distributed and supported by GIE-Emeraude and its distributors worldwide. This agreement with GIE-Emeraude is another step in the continuing effort to maintain COHESION's support of industry standards. As the ECMA/PCTE standard evolves over the next few years, Digital will support PCTE concepts and interfaces. Digital has played a significant role in the shaping of the PCTE standards, and will continue to do so in the future. OPEN SERVICES SET THE STAGE FOR CASE IMPLEMENTATION In addition to the full portfolio already available including DECstart for CDD and DECset, Digital today announced additional services and enhancements: COHESION Integrated On-line Training--Enables software professionals to rapidly gain full and immediate use of the capabilities available in Digital's COHESION tools. COHESION Integrated On-line training is included in DECdesign on VMS and in DECplan and DECset on both VMS and ULTRIX platforms. Understanding CASE for System Development, Engineering & Embedded Systems--A modular, self-paced video series designed to help assess software development practice and understand how to best plan and position a CASE implementation strategy. This new version includes a software engineering assessment questionnaire, a special video module on the assessment process, and a "grading template." Available in June, 1991. Price is $3,995. Service Tools for DECtp--offering easy-to-use, repeatable, custom-fit solutions to support large commercial application design and development. Available in June, 1991. Pricing in combination with the basic service option which includes installation and start-up training. Digital Equipment Corporation, headquartered in Maynard, Massachusetts, is the leading worldwide supplier of networked computer systems, software and services. Digital pioneered and leads the industry in interactive, distributed and multivendor computing. Digital and its partners deliver the power to use the best solutions--from desktop to datacenter--in open information environments. For Further Information: COHESION products Linda Giragosian (603) 884-0811 ACA Services Ken McDonnell (603) 884-3765 COHESION ASD/SEE McLaren Harris (508) 467-3488 COHESION for Telecommunications Services Jayne Chace (508) 486-5579 Further Details On All Product Pricing, Functionality, And Availability Are In The Accompanying Fact Sheets The Digital Logo, ACA, COHESION, CDD/Administrator, CDD/Plus, CDD/Repository, DECdesign, DECmessageQ, DECplan, DECset, DECstart, DECtp, VAX, VMS, and ULTRIX are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. Apple Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Cray is a registered trademark of Cray Computer Systems, Inc. IBM and OS/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. FOUNDATION and INSTALL/1 are trademarks of Andersen Consulting. Application Browser is a trademark of Hypersoft Corporation. FOCUS is a trademark of Information Builders Incorporated. NATURAL is a trademark of Software AG.